Why MidWest Mentoring?

We provide weekly zoom meetings and bi-weekly in person meetings for our members. Come along to our meetings, meet your fellow mid-west members and get the started.

Our membership hails from every industry and every size of business. These people are on hand to answer your questions, give you advice and point you in the right direction. You just need to ask for a chat.

As a member of our community you will meet like minded people who are happy to work with you, offer you advice and ask you for advice. At Mid-West Mentoring we make connections that last a lifetime.

Our membership are always happy to have a chat. Having members from all walks of life and all stages of business gives you the opportunity to be part of a wonderful, helpful community. Start a conversation, ask advice and get help from our members.

One of the best ways to get ahead in the business world is by referrals. Our members actively refer each other when we see an opportunity. We want all members of our community to grow and be successful.